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Transparency in Coverage Final Rule
The Transparency in Coverage Rule requires health plans to disclose information about negotiated rates for medical services. This information can help you make informed decisions about your healthcare.
Download Machine-Readable Files (MRF)
The U.S. federal government’s Transparency in Coverage Final Rule requires health plans to disclose previously confidential information regarding negotiated rates to the public, with the intention of increasing competition and driving down total medical costs.
The rule requires health plans to make available two Machine-Readable Files, which will be updated monthly.
- In-Network Information—discloses in-network negotiated rates for covered items and services
- Out-of-Network Information—discloses historical allowed amounts for out-of-network providers
All suggestions are shared with the appropriate staff and departments. All complaints are investigated and resolved by the Member Service Representative. Your provider can file a complaint for you if you give the provider your consent in writing to do so.
High Option Plan Machine-Readable Files
UnitedHealthcare creates and publishes the Machine-Readable Files on behalf of the American Postal Workers Union Health Plan.
When searching for files for the High Option plan, please use “American-Postal” as a keyword for your search.
Consumer Driven Option Plan Machine-Readable Files
UnitedHealthcare creates and publishes the Machine-Readable Files on behalf of the American Postal Workers Union Health Plan.
When searching for files for the Consumer Driven Option plan, please use “APWU” as a keyword for your search.