Health insurance plans for federal and postal employees

APWU Health Plan covers postal workers and retirees eligible for the new Postal Service Health Benefits (PSHB) Program and federal employees and retirees eligible for the Federal Employees Health Benefits (FEHB) Program.

Postal health plans

Federal health plans

Benefits at a glance

APWU Health Plan offers two smart plans to consider. Explore benefits and coverage side-by-side for Consumer Driven Option and High Option.

Member resources

2025 postal brochure

Download the APWU Health Plan PSHB brochure to learn details about coverage and services covered under our postal health plans, as well as exclusions and limitations.

2025 federal brochure

Download the APWU Health Plan FEHB brochure to learn details about coverage and services covered under our federal health plans, as well as exclusions and limitations.

High Option prescription calculator

Express Scripts manages prescription drug benefits for High Option members. Calculate the cost of medication ahead of time with the cost calculator tool.

Consumer Driven Option prescription calculator

OptumRx manages prescription drug benefits for Consumer Driven Option members. Calculate the cost of medication ahead of time with the cost calculator tool.

Medicare coverage

Find out how APWU Health Plan works with Medicare to cover you in retirement. 

Infertility medical policy

Download your APWU Health Plan infertility diagnosis, treatment, and fertility preservation medical policy.

Bariatric surgery medical policy

View the complete medical policy for APWU Health Plan members who need bariatric surgery to treat obesity.

Gender dysphoria treatment policy

Download the gender dysphoria treatment medical policy for members of APWU Health Plan.

Order claim forms

You can request printed claim forms to be mailed to you if you are having difficulty printing then from your device.

Infertility Medical Policy

Download your APWU Health Plan infertility diagnosis, treatment and fertility preservation medical policy.

Bariatric Surgery Medical Policy

View the complete medical policy for APWU Health Plan members who need bariatric surgery to treat obesity.

Gender Dysphoria Treatment Policy

Download the gender dysphoria treatment medical policy for members of APWU Health Plan.

Member news

For our members and their families affected by the fires in the Los Angeles, California area, the Health Plan will:

  • Relax plan requirements for care received from January 7, 2025 – April 7, 2025.
  • For supplies and medications: The Health Plan will waive refill too soon limitations for members in the affected areas who are unable to use the mail order service for refills and lost or destroyed medications.
  • High Option Teladoc coverage: The Health Plan will expand Teladoc telehealth coverage for our High Option members by providing five virtual visits at zero cost, rather than the normal two.
  • Members in both the High Option and Consumer Driven Option can take advantage of an additional free Teladoc visit by calling 855-885-5032. Learn more at
  • In-patient hospital stays will be paid at the in-network rate even if you are confined in an out-of-network facility. 
  • A toll-free emotional support helpline is available at 866-447-3573. This line will be open Monday – Friday from 6 a.m. – 6 p.m. CST for two weeks from the date of the natural disaster. The service is free of charge and open to anyone.
  • Another resource is, a public website where you can access resources to help you navigate difficult situations. The Critical Support Center section of the website includes a library of content for you to access during a critical event, grouped by topic (trauma, natural disasters, etc.).

Our thoughts go out to all those affected. We will continue to monitor this situation closely.

Our thoughts go out to all those affected by the northern California earthquake. Please know that your Health Plan is here for you and has implemented the following changes to your coverage.

Our priority is making sure you have immediate and easy access to the care you need

In compliance with CMS provisions, UnitedHealthcare has taken the following actions as part of its commitment to helping Group Retiree members, customers, care providers, and employees in the areas affected by the northern California earthquake:

  • Del Norte County
  • Humboldt County
  • Mendocino County

Access to care

Members who may have been displaced from their homes or whose network provider or medical facility is inaccessible can access care anywhere, as needed, and it will be covered at their in-network benefit level.

Prescription medications

Members who need help obtaining early prescription refills may work with their pharmacy who can obtain an override on their behalf, or they can contact the Customer Care number on the back of their ID card.

For mail-order delivery service to affected areas or any other questions related to their prescriptions, members can contact the pharmacy number on the back of their ID card and discuss their situation for assistance, obtaining a local supply, if necessary, and more.

Additional assistance

Members can call the Customer Care number on the back of their medical ID card, if they need additional assistance.

If you have misplaced your medical ID card, call:1-866-633-2446
8 am – 8 pm (local time)
Monday – Friday

To request a new ID card and print a temporary ID card to use while waiting for your new ID card to arrive, visit .

Access emotional support resources

Optum is offering a free emotional-support help line open to anyone. The line will be open for two weeks following the earthquake. Callers may also receive referrals to community resources.

Monday – Friday
8 am – 8 pm CT

In addition, Live and Work Well offers emotional support resources and information online.

Live and Work Well

We will continue to monitor this situation closely.

Explore our health plans

Postal Health Plans

Explore plans for eligible postal employees, families, and retirees under the PSHB Program

As a national preferred provider organization (PPO), APWU Health Plan offers a fee-for-service High Option and a Consumer Driven Option paired with a Personal Care Account.

Federal Health Plans

Explore plans for eligible federal employees, families, and retirees under the FEHB Program

APWU Health Plan has proudly served employees and retirees covered under the FEHB Program since 1960. We look forward to serving you in 2025 and beyond.

From our members

Members love APWU Health Plan

Important Alert: Beware of Pharmacy Scam Calls

CVS Pharmacy has reported an increase in scam calls from criminals pretending to be pharmacy representatives. These scammers may ask for sensitive personal information, including your driver’s license number, Social Security number, or insurance details.

How to Protect Yourself

  • Hang up immediately – If you receive an unexpected call and are unsure if it’s legitimate, do not engage. Hang up and contact CVS directly.

  • Verify with CVS – Call your local CVS pharmacy using their official number. Find a CVS near you: CVS Store Locator

  • Never share personal information – Do not provide your prescription details, insurance information, Social Security number, or financial details to unknown callers.

  • Contact your prescription drug provider – If you are unsure about a call related to your medication, reach out to your prescription provider directly:

Common Scam Tactics

Scammers may ask questions such as:

  • Do you need any medication refills?

  • What prescriptions are you taking?

  • What is your driver’s license or Social Security number?

  • Can you confirm your insurance details?

Stay alert and protect your personal information. If you suspect a scam, report it to CVS or your prescription provider immediately.